
Aggressive Behavior

Rahman, M. S., & Nahar, L. (2013). Aggression in Boys and Girls as Related to Their Academic Achievement and Residential Background. Psychology, 4(5), 459-462.

Mental Health

Rahman, M.S, Tushar,T.A, Hossain, M.A & Bairagi, A.(2012). Mental Health status of Chittagong University Students, The Chittagong University Journal of Biological Sciences, 7(1),

Bairagi,A., Rahman, M.S. and Tushar, T.A.(2011). Mental health status of primary school children of Chittagong town. The Chittagong University Journal of Biological Sciences, 6(2),119-133.


Hossain, M.A., Rahman,M.S. & Fatematuzzohra (2011). Attitude Towards Birth Control of Married and People of Chittagong, The Chittagong University Journal of Biological Sciences,Vol.6(1), .

Mental Retardation

Rahman, S.M. (2011). Social security of the aged mentally retarded person in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 4(1), 12-18.

Conference Presentation

Rahman, M. S., Munshi, M. H., & Rubel, A. Z. M. (2017). Effect of laughter exercise on Psychological Well-being and Anxiety of Bangladeshi Students. Paper presented at the The First Southeast Asia Regional Conference of Psychology, Hanio, Vietnam.

Sufi, A. H., Rahman, M. S., & Tushar, T. A. (2015). The past, present and future of Psychology in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the The Centenary Conference on Psychology, Kolkata, India.