
Instruments for Laboratory

            Psychology Department

            Chittagong University.


  1. Neuropsychological Battery ( PEBL 14.0)
  2. Memory Drum(Multispeed sound less)
  3. Electronics Mirror Drawing Apparatus
  4. Stop Watch
  5. Muller Lyer Illusion card
  6. Memory Card (Celluloid)
  7. Ergo-Graph
  8. Peg-Box
  9. Von-rest off card
  10. Reinforcement
  11. Aesthesio Meter
  12. Alexanded pass along Test
  13. Koh,s Block Desing Test
  14. Dearbron Form Board Test
  15. Segium Form Board Test
  16. S.P.D.T Box
  17. O’ Connor Finger Dexterity Test
  18. Motor Dexterity Test
  19. Wiggly Block Test.
  20. Rate of Mainpulation Test
  21. Phi-phenominon
  22. Cylinder Weight D,L
  23. Depth perception
  24. Light Discrimination
  25. Interval and continuous Sound Apparatus
  26. Conflict Board
  27. Blind Goggles
  28. Black Screen
  29. Meier Art Judgment Test
  30. Boehm BTBC Test
  31. BELL Adjustment Test
  32. FAT Test
  33. Locus of control Test
  34. Edwards Personal Preference Schedule Test
  35. Allport –Vernon –Lindzey Test
  36. Achievement Motivation Scale
  37. Mooney Problem Check List
  38. Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices
  39. Differential Aptitude Test
  40. Otis Self Administering test of Mental Ability
  41. EGO Test
