Practical Courses

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Department of Psychology
University of Chittagong

Practical Course (Experiments and Tests)


Course Code: 108; Course Title: Psy Practical – I; Credits = 2; Marks = 50; Exam. Hour = 6
Marks Distribution: Conduction = 15; Report Writing = 20; Viva-voce = 5; Class Performance = 10
  Name of Experiment/ Test Assigned Teacher
1 Effect of Organization on Verbal Learning AH
2 Effect of Emotional and Neutral Words on Reaction Time LN
3 Effect of Experimenter’s Expectancy on Subjects’ Performance SS
4 Effect of Mode of Presentation of Stimuli (Auditory and Visual) on Memory Span RA
5 Effect of Retroactive Interference on Retention of Paired Associates AB
Course Code: 109; Course Title: Psy Practical- II; Credits = 2; Marks = 50; Exam. Hour = 6
Marks Distribution: Conduction = 15; Report Writing = 20; Viva-voce = 5; Class Performance = 10
1 Determine DL by the Method of Limits AL
2 Show the Effect of Filled and Unfilled Condition on Estimation of Time AR
3 Show the Effect of Mental Set on Problem Solving Behavior SR
4 Measure the Extent of Muller-Lyer Illusion AR
5 Effect of Feedback on Drawing Straight Lines (Performance) AB
Course Code: 208; Course Title: Psy Practical – I; Credits = 3; Marks = 75; Exam. Hour =8
Marks Distribution: Conduction = 20; Report Writing = 35; Viva-voce = 5; Class Performance = 15
1 Effect of Primary Color on Area Perception AH
2 Effect of Retention as a Function of Time AL
3 Effect of Division of Attention RA
4 Effect of Associative Reaction Time Under Free vs. Controlled Situation AR
5 Effect of Reinforcement on Performance RA
Course Code: 209; Course Title: Psy Practical- II; Credits = 3; Marks = 75; Exam. Hour = 8
Marks Distribution: Conduction = 20; Report Writing = 35; Viva-voce = 5; Class Performance = 15
1 Sex Role Stereotypes as a Function of Instruction SS
2 Effect of Reinforcement on Verbal Learning LN
3 Von Restorff’s Effect on Learning AB
4 Bilateral Transfer of Training LN
5 Effect of Continuous and Intermittent Noise on Performance AH


Course Code: 308; Course Title: Tests; Credits = 4; Marks = 100; Exam. Hour = 8
Marks Distribution: Conduction = 20; Report Writing = 40; Viva-voce = 10; Lab Note = 10; Class Performance = 20
1 Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values (AVL) AH
2 Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) RA
3 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Child (WISC-III) [Subset of Information and Similarities] LN
4 Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test (CSPDT) BD
5 Edward Personal Preference Schedule (EPPD) SR
6 Bell Adjustment Inventory (BAI) AL
Course Code: 309; Course Title: Practical I; Credits = 3; Marks = 75; Exam. Hour = 8
Marks Distribution: Conduction = 20; Report Writing = 35; Viva-voce = 5; Class Performance = 15
1 Serial Position Effects Under Massed and Distributed Practice
2 An Experiment on Two Point Tactual Discrimination AL
3 Effect of Over Learning on Recall AR
4 To Study the Zeigernik Effect SS
5 To Study the Changes in the Level of Aspiration as a Result of Success and Failure BD
Course Code: 310; Course Title: Statistical Applications in Psychological Research;
Credits = 3; Marks = 75; Exam. Hour = 8
Marks Distribution: Conduction = 20; Report Writing = 35; Viva-voce = 5; Class Performance = 15
1 Independent groups t-test using SPSS LN
2 Repeated measures (matched groups) t-test using SPSS SR
3 Pearson’s Correlation using SPSS LN
4 One-way analysis of variance using SPSS BD
5 Two-way analysis of variance using SPSS BD
Course Code: 410; Course Title: Psychological Test; Credits = 3; Marks = 75; Exam. Hour = 8
Marks Distribution: Conduction = 20; Report Writing = 35; Viva-voce = 5; Class Performance = 15
1 Meier Art Judgment Test (MAJT) LP
2 Alexander Pass Along Test (APAT)
3 Koh’s Block Design Test (KBDT) AB
4 Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) SR
5 Bohem Test of Basic Concept (BTBC) SS

Course Code: 411; Course Title: Psychological Experiment; Credits = 3; Marks = 75;  Exam. Hour = 8

Marks Distribution: Conduction = 20; Report Writing = 35; Viva-voce = 5; Class Performance = 15
1 Effect of Mobilization of Prior Knowledge on Free Recall NI
2 Whole versus Partial Learning LP
3 Encoding by Images NI
4 Halo Effect and Physical Attractiveness LP
5 Stroof Effect NI

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