
e-Books of SAGE, GALE-CENGAGE, World Scientific Online and Cambridge University Press

1. SAGE Knowledge http://knowledge.sagepub.com
2. Cambridge Books Online, Cambridge University Press http://ebooks.cambridge.org
3. World Scientific Online http://www.worldscientific.com
4. Gale-Cengage http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/ugc_dhaka
3. McGraw-Hills http://mcgrawhilleducation.pdn.ipublishcentral.com
3. Oxford University Press http://www.oxfordscholarship.com
3. Pearson http://lib.myilibrary.com
  • According to the notice of CU Library

You can see or download below e-Books

Abnormal Psychology

  1. Abnormal Psychology 12th ed by Neale &Davision, 2012
  2. Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life by Robert C.

Clinical Psychology

  1.  Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice and Culture 2nd ed – A. Pomerantz (Sage, 2011)
  2. Clinical Psychology_Timothy J. Trull, Mitch Prinstein_2005

Cognitive Psychology

  1. Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology 2013
  2. Cognitive Psychology and its Implication by Anderson, 2015
  3. Cognitive Psychology by Robert J Sternberg (2012).
  4. Cognitive Psychology: A student’s handbook by Michael E.W. (2010)

Counseling Psychology

  1. Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills by Prout, Tracy
  2. Counseling and Psychotherapy theories in context and practice by John Sommers

Developmental Psychology
1. Adult Development and Aging J.Cavanough 7th  (2015)


  1. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5 (2013)
  2. DSM-5 Guide Book

Educational Psychology 

  1. Educational Psychology by Santrock (5th Ed) 2011

General Psychology

  1. Understanding Psychology (10th ed) by Feldman, 2011

History of Psychology

  1. An Introduction to the History of Psychology by Hergenhahn, 2014

Health Psychology

  1. Health Psychology, 8th Edition by Shelley E Taylor, 2013

Organizational Psychology

  1. Organizational Behavior (15e) by Stephen P Robbins, 2015
  2. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice by Paul E. Spector

Personality Psychology

  1. Theories of Personality (10th ed) by Schultz, 2013
  2. Personality, Individual difference and Intelligence, 2011

Publication Manual

  1. APA Publication Manual(6th)