lailun publications
Nahar, L., Bairagi, A., Sultana, S., and Datta, S.,2017 (Accepted). Suicidal Ideation and Academic Self Efficacy Among Urban High School Students. The Chittagong University Journal of Biological Sciences. Vol. 8(1&2), 2013.
Rahman, A., Nahar, L., Tany, F. R., Khatun, A., 2015. Self-esteem, Academic Self- efficacy and Locus of Control of University Students. Jagannath University Journal of Psychology, Vol.5 No.1, pp.73-81.
Rahman, A., Bairagi, A., Dey, B. K. and Nahar, L. 2014. Loneliness and depression of Chittagong University Students. The Chittagong University Journal of Biological Sciences. Vol. 7(1&2), 2012, pp 175-189.
Nahar, L., Hossain, A., Rahman, A. and Bairagi, A. 2013. The Relationship of Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, Mental Health of Government and Non-Government Employees of Bangladesh. Psychology, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 520-525.
Rahman, M. S. and Nahar, L. 2013. Aggression in Boys and Girls as Related to Their Academic Achievement and Residential Background. Psychology, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 459-462.