Department of Psychology, Chittagong University

SPSS for Psychologist

SPSS Guidelines for student of Psychology Department, Chittagong University who choose the individual section, interested in from the listing below. These tutorials were designed for the older version of SPSS 10.1.  however, it would help anyone for the newer version.

  1. Creating a data file
  2. Independent groups t-test
  3. Repeated measures (matched groups) t-test
  4. Pearson’s Correlation
  5. Spearman Rank Order Correlation
  6. Simple regression
  7. Partial correlation
  8. Multiple regression – standard and stepwise
  9. One-way analysis of variance
  10. Repeated measures one-way analysis of variance
  11. Two-way analysis of variance
  12. Repeated measures two-way analysis of variance
  13. Two-factor mixed design: repeated measures on one factor
  14. Chi-square analysis
  15. Mann-Whitney U
  16. Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed Rank Test
  17. Kruskal-Wallis H Test
  18. Friedman Test
  19. Cronbach Alpha
  20. Creating and using master data sets


  1. Creating line graphs or bar charts
  2. Independent groups t- test
  3. Matched t – test
  4. Pearson Correlation
  5. Spearman Correlation
  6. One-way ANOVA
  7. One-way repeated ANOVA
  8. Two-way ANOVA
  9. Mixed two-way ANOVA

Source: Dr. Richard Izzett, Psychology Department, Oswego State University of New York.

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